Pain Relief for Dogs: What Are My Options?

Sick Dog 1They might show it differently, but dogs experience pain just as their owners do. The old belief that dogs have a higher tolerance for pain or that pain actually helps them heal faster isn’t backed by research and more owners are doing something to control the pain.

Whether it’s from a recent surgery, arthritis, skin problems, injuries from rough play or a toothache, there are medications available for dogs that will make them healthier and happier. Some drugs fall into the class of neutriceuticals, which include glucosamine and chondroitin. These can take up to a month, in some cases, to begin working.

Another common class of medications that are very effective are known as NSAIDs, which stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. While these medications are very effective means of pain relief for dogs, they pose a danger if misused and have a list of side effects. Most NSAIDs used on dogs include name brands like Metacam, Deramaxx, Rimadyl and Etogesic. If your dog is on any of these drugs, keep an eye on them and discontinue use if they vomit or experience diarrhea.

Some dogs simply don’t respond well to NSAIDs and need something that acts more quickly than the neutriceuticals. In this case, most veterinarians will recommend medications that include amantidine, tramadol or gabapentin.

In many cases, dog owners know when their dog will be in for a round of pain, mostly due to surgery or a veterinary procedure that will cause some lingering discomfort. In this case, have the medication on hand and ready so that you can cut pain off at the pass. Some veterinarians will recommend starting your dog on pain meds a day or two before the procedure.

Under no circumstances should you run to your medicine cabinet to treat bring pain relief for dogs. Advil and Tylenol are in practically every household in the nation, but they are not to be used as pain relief for dogs as they are designed for humans.

There are some holistic methods that you can try if medications don’t seem effective. Acupuncture, has been successful for some pet owners and has been shown to bring pain relief to canines. Chronic pain is especially reduced by acupuncture. Massage and hydrotherapy are other holistic approaches that can bring pain relief for dogs.

For more extreme measures, some pain relief for dogs has been found in using stem cell therapy. Laser therapy has also been used effectively.

Pain relief for dogs can also come in the form of joint health supplements, such as those from ProLabs who specializes in vet-quality products for your pets. FLEX Rx is designed to improve joint health and has been proven to work better than glucosamine-based products.

Educate Yourself When it Comes to Finding a Joint Pain Remedy For Your Pet

Dog Joint Pain 1It’s an unfortunate fact that one in five dog owners are forced to face – at some point you’ll be researching ways to treat joint pain. From hip dysplasia to arthritis, dogs are prone to a number of issues that will affect their health.

Joint issues are bred into small breeds, but larger breeds with more weight dispersed into their joints are prone to developing osteoarthritis. Regardless of the sizes, the pain is probably not much different and it’s up to you to find a joint pain remedy that will bring more health and happiness to your canine.

Some dog lovers have noticed what they believe is an increase in the number of dogs experiencing joint pain, but in reality, veterinarians are become more adept at diagnosing these problems. But sometimes, breeders are looking for certain characteristics in the dogs they are breeding that may bring with it undesirable qualities such as hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis.

One of the first courses of action in finding a pain relief remedy is to determine whether or not your dog is in fact experiencing joint issues. Is your dog walking with a strange gait or have a limp? Does it have a hard time negotiating stairs or have trouble standing from a laying position? Does it put more weight on its front legs than its back legs? These are all signs that your dog is experiencing joint issues, whether ligament induced, hip related or from arthritis.

Joint pain remedies run the gamut, from laser surgery to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some forward-thinking owners have even experimented with acupuncture. Stem cell therapy is on the rise as are supplements that include omega-3 fatty acids.

Finding the proper remedy might be as simple as helping your dog lose weight by better regulating its diet. Ask your veterinarian what the proper amount of food intake is for your dog on a daily basis. Being overweight is a problem for dogs with joint problems and is often caused by their obese condition, especially if the weight gain is rapid.

ProLabs Pets is a company with a focus on helping dog and cat owners achieve the best health possible for their pets, and they have a formula that is built to provide better joint health in dogs. Clinical studies of FLEX Rx supplement have shown that it is more effective than the traditional glucosamine hydrochloride method for joint health problems. In fact, FLEX Rx has been shown to be twice as effective than the popular Cosequin DS1. Currently, a $10 discount is being offered by ProLabs Pets to try this vet-quality product.

Dogs with Joint Pain: Are Small Breeds Prone to Joint Issues?

Dog Joint Pain 2While larger breeds of canines are known to be prone to joint issues, dogs with joint pain come in all sizes. Some breeds that are bred for shorter leg lengths, which are generally small dogs, actually have more joint issues than the average breed.

Dogs with joint pain can often be identified at very youthful stages in their lives. Some veterinarians say they’ve witnessed joint issues in puppies as young as four months of age. One hip problem that joint pain sufferers have is called avascular necrosis and it occurs on the head of the femoral bone. Avascular necrosis is when blood supply fails to reach that area. One way you can detect this in your puppy is if you notice that he/she has a difficult time standing up or has difficulty walking.

Smaller dogs can also exhibit problems rooting from their knees. It’s called patellar luxation; patellar after the floating knee bone and luxation, which is the process by which the patellar comes out of alignment. Dogs with this ailment will often hop as their knee will lock up.

Small dogs with joint pain might also have a condition that is brought on over time whereby the cranial cruciate ligament ruptures. This ligament is located around the knees and can be a long-term issue in a dog that is injured through rough play. Veterinarians will refer to this as a disease in dogs that show symptoms after gradual wear and tear on the ligament.

Since most small breeds are genetically predisposed to these joint issues, there isn’t much you can do for your dog, whether it’s a puppy or full-grown to eliminate their joint issues. However, there are some supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine that are widely available and are proven to be effective in addressing some joint issues. Some owners will also try to limit exposure to situations that cause stress on the joints, such as keeping them off slippery floor surfaces or letting them jump down from tall structures.

Some dogs will exhibit a slower pace or stiffness after vigorous exercise, which can mimic joint issues. But dogs that suffer from joint pain which is brought on by more serious issues should be taken to the veterinarian for recommendations on treatment.

Small dog owners are also turning to ProLabs for their veterinarian-quality joint health supplements that are proving to be effective. FLEX Rx is engineered to help small breeds, large breeds and every breed in between with their joint health. It’s actually the first product of its kind that is capable of managing joint health at the metabolic level. ProLabs solution involves using ingredients that are up to five times more effective than vitamin E in treating joint issues, and has been shown to be more effective than glucosamine.

Will a Canine Joint Supplement Work For Your Dog?

Running DogWith one in five dogs developing some form of joint problem in their lifetimes, it’s likely that you’ll one day be looking for a supplement to ease your dog’s pain. Canine joint supplement use is becoming more and more common as pet owners seek out a solution to address the pain associated with swelling, tissue and cartilage loss.

There are several issues that dogs face that could cause joint pain, including osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia or injury. Once dogs develop a degenerative joint disease, the cushion of cartilage in their joints deteriorates and bone-on-bone contact occurs, which is painful. You’ll notice your dog becoming less active, avoiding stairs, having difficulty rising from a prone position. Some dogs will develop a strange gait or put more weight on their front legs than their back legs in an effort to ease the pain.

Your veterinarian can determine the cause of the symptoms you’re noticing in your pet and recommend a course of action. Some dog owners will take preventative steps early in the dog’s life by including a supplement to their diet, a supplement that includes glucosamine and chondroitin, both of which are proven to stave off arthritis.

Once arthritis or other joint pain causing ailments set in, most veterinarians will recommend canine joint supplement with Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which is considered a proper ingredient in intermediate-level joint issues. But once the joint pain and condition become advanced, veterinarians recommend a canine joint supplement with hyaluronic acid as one of the ingredients. This type of acid makes the remaining cartilage more resilient and also helps to bolster tissues in the joint.

Supplements are proven to address joint pain in dogs, but there are other steps you can take to keep your dog’s joints in the best condition possible. Despite their reluctance to stay active, owners are advised to keep up the daily walks. Not all dogs with joint issues are able to or should be made to run, but moderate exercise keeps bones strong and also helps build muscle around the joints, which takes some of the pressure off.

Overweight dogs are also at a much higher risk for developing joint pain. Keeping your dog on the proper foods as it ages will help to deter weight gain, particularly sudden weight gain, which is a major contributor to joint pain.

ProLabs created a supplement that addresses the swelling, cartilage health and joint lubrication needs of canines. ProLab’s FLEX Rx is designed to affect specific metabolites in your dog, which will slow down joint deterioration. The product isn’t like other over-the-counter supplements and is actually around twice as effective as most other popular choices.