Educate Yourself When it Comes to Finding a Joint Pain Remedy For Your Pet

Dog Joint Pain 1It’s an unfortunate fact that one in five dog owners are forced to face – at some point you’ll be researching ways to treat joint pain. From hip dysplasia to arthritis, dogs are prone to a number of issues that will affect their health.

Joint issues are bred into small breeds, but larger breeds with more weight dispersed into their joints are prone to developing osteoarthritis. Regardless of the sizes, the pain is probably not much different and it’s up to you to find a joint pain remedy that will bring more health and happiness to your canine.

Some dog lovers have noticed what they believe is an increase in the number of dogs experiencing joint pain, but in reality, veterinarians are become more adept at diagnosing these problems. But sometimes, breeders are looking for certain characteristics in the dogs they are breeding that may bring with it undesirable qualities such as hip dysplasia and osteoarthritis.

One of the first courses of action in finding a pain relief remedy is to determine whether or not your dog is in fact experiencing joint issues. Is your dog walking with a strange gait or have a limp? Does it have a hard time negotiating stairs or have trouble standing from a laying position? Does it put more weight on its front legs than its back legs? These are all signs that your dog is experiencing joint issues, whether ligament induced, hip related or from arthritis.

Joint pain remedies run the gamut, from laser surgery to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Some forward-thinking owners have even experimented with acupuncture. Stem cell therapy is on the rise as are supplements that include omega-3 fatty acids.

Finding the proper remedy might be as simple as helping your dog lose weight by better regulating its diet. Ask your veterinarian what the proper amount of food intake is for your dog on a daily basis. Being overweight is a problem for dogs with joint problems and is often caused by their obese condition, especially if the weight gain is rapid.

ProLabs Pets is a company with a focus on helping dog and cat owners achieve the best health possible for their pets, and they have a formula that is built to provide better joint health in dogs. Clinical studies of FLEX Rx supplement have shown that it is more effective than the traditional glucosamine hydrochloride method for joint health problems. In fact, FLEX Rx has been shown to be twice as effective than the popular Cosequin DS1. Currently, a $10 discount is being offered by ProLabs Pets to try this vet-quality product.

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