Healthy Dog Foods: What to Look For

Dog Food 1What food should I buy for my dog? It’s probably one of the most important questions a dog owner can ask and there is no easy answer. There are so many varieties of foods to choose from that the task can become overwhelming, but there are factors to consider that will make the task of finding healthy dog foods less daunting.

First, you have to know your dogs age, health history, level of fitness (fat or skinny) and any health concerns related to the breed. Most healthy dog foods will have ingredients geared toward the puppy, the adult and the senior dog. Dogs that have weight issues are also targeted for special formulas made entirely for the overweight or the underweight dog. Dogs with joint issues, allergies, cancer or any number of other ailments can be helped with their daily food.

It’s a sad fact, but dog owners on an extremely limited budget may opt for cheap dog foods, which means the quality is likely to be an issue. Where healthy dog foods are concerned, the more you spend, the better the quality. And better quality food means owners may see fewer expensive health problems later on.

Most new dog owners are mortified by what their new canine companion is capable of eating. They usually encounter this when the dog discovers the cat box, or during a playful jaunt at the local park where the dog takes keen interest in a rotting bird or squirrel. But when it comes to eating the fresh food straight out of the package in a clean bowl, they’ll turn up their noses. Yes, dogs can be finicky and this should also enter into your equation when picking out healthy dog foods.

Some of the healthiest foods available for your dog can be found in your veterinarian’s office or online. These foods have the best quality ingredients without a lot of baseless fillers that provide no nutritional value for your dog. If you’re a pet parent who is interested in high quality dog food, you are likely also interested in products that help your pet stay healthy and include high-quality supplements. Many premium pet products, such as products for joint health, contain vitamins and other ingredients to boost overall health – so you can be a true multi-tasker with your pet’s health. 

ProLabs makes products specifically designed to better the health of your dogs and cats. The company has devised a joint health supplement that has proven to be more effective in addressing joint issues than other products. In fact, clinical studies reveal that the supplement, FLEX Rx, is twice as effective as other popular supplements in improving joint function and mobility – plus FLEX Rx contains pro-inflammatory AA metabolites and ingreadients that have an antioxidant effect five times greater than vitamin E.

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