Dog Multivitamins: Myths and Truths to Know

Dog VitaminsWhen you wake up in the morning, aside from brewing a cup of coffee or setting yourself up with a bowl of cereal, you likely pop a multivitamin to start your day. What dog owners are finding out today is that for many canines, a vitamin supplement may be helpful as well.

The practice of adding dog multivitamins to the daily routine is becoming more common than ever. In fact, by some estimates, about a third of all canine lovers are giving dog multivitamins to their pooches. We want our best friends to live the longest and happiest life we can give them. Dog multivitamins can help this happen, whether it’s for better joint health or to keep shedding at a minimum.

About one-fifth of all dogs will develop joint issues at some point in their lives. For some dogs, genes predetermine the onset of osteoarthritis. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take action and slow the onset of the issues and dog multivitamins or similar products, like joint health supplements, are a crucial step in the right direction.

Some of you might have heard that dog multivitamins with calcium in them can be detrimental to your dog’s health. This is a myth. Indeed, an overdose of calcium in a puppy’s diet can be an issue, particularly with larger dog breeds, but dog multivitamins, if administered a properly indicated levels, shouldn’t cause this problem. Some of you might also be avoiding dog multivitamins because they contain vitamin A, which has been shown to cause joint problems. An overabundance of vitamin A will pose joint issues, but the best dog health supplements are balanced with just the right amount of vitamins and minerals.

Another myth that keeps dog owners from making a dog multivitamin part of the routine is that they contain vitamin D, which in large quantities can cause muscle weakness in dogs. It’s true that too much is not good for muscles, bones or the appetite, but dog multivitamins are nowhere near the level of overdose in this vitamin. The best course of action is to pick a few product on the market today and present them to your veterinarian. Your vet will know exactly what will be right for your dog.

One of the go-to companies is ProLabs Pets, makers of a proven joint health supplement FLEX Rx. FLEX Rx is a supplement that can help dogs of all sizes. FLEX Rx is the first of its kind to address joint problems with pro-inflammatory AA metabolites. The recipe also has an antioxidant built into it that is around five times more effective than vitamin E alone, and it’s being recommended by vets around the country.

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