Top Dog Skin Problems This Summer

Dog Skin CareSummer brings on a variety of activities that you and your pet can enjoy, activities that aren’t available in the winter months. But with the summer fun comes summer-related dog skin problems that your pet doesn’t encounter when the days are short and the temperatures dip.

Just like humans, your pet will experience allergies as the foliage comes out of dormancy and releases its pollen into the air. Some dogs will experience flaky and dry skin, which depending on the dog; can result in excessive licking and biting in affected areas. Obviously, the constant scratching will result in more serious conditions that need attention before it gets out of hand.

Dog skin problems also move into the ears, which causes discomfort. The first sign is usually excessive head shaking/ear flapping. Your pet will also attempt to dig into their ears with the claws in an attempt to abate the nagging itch. But taking a proactive approach before these conditions flare up by adding a supplement to the diet is the smart approach. These supplements will protect the coat and skin of your pet and keep him happy during the heat of the summer.

More outdoor activities also puts your dog in the path of parasites like ticks and fleas, which are also a major nuisance for your dog. Some owners have unfortunately bought into the home remedies that can put their beloved pets in danger of toxic reactions. There are more vet-approved methods out there that take danger out of the equation and keep fleas and ticks off your dog. Natural formulas exist that keep the coat shiny and the skin moist and healthy, at the same time, ticks and fleas do a 180 when they attempt to find a host in your dog.

Weimaraners owners feel fortunate in the summer months when their non-dual-coated pet sheds little. Xoloitzcuintli and Peruvian Inca Orchid owners are even more fortunate as some regions of those dogs grow no hair at all. But most dog owners can be assured that their breed has a double coat, and if they aren’t taking in the right nutrients, they’re going to lose more hair than the owner will know what to do with.

Dogs that receive the right amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fats in their diets will only shed the normal amount expected for their breed. Some owners will deploy a shampoo or soap that is far too strong and can mimic conditions that are associated with a lack of the appropriate nutrition levels.

ProLabs has the products pet owners rely on to keep their pet’s skin and coat healthy throughout every season.  Products such as Skin Soothe which relieves itching and will help heal your dog’s skin if it becomes irritated are available to help your dog have an itch free summer.

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