Should My Dog Take a Canine Joint Supplement

Running DogYou derive much joy from your relationship with your pet. They are a part of the family and you want them to healthy and happy. That’s why you’ve probably asked yourself if you should be interested in a canine joint supplement. Not every dog needs a supplement for joint health, but consider a few things when making the decision.

Has your dog ever had an injury near or in the joint, like a torn or strained ACL? Is your dog advanced in years? Does your dog belong to a breed that is known to have a problem with joints? If you can answer yes to any of these questions, then you’re probably a pet owner that needs to consider canine joint supplement options soon.

Some dogs will show a propensity for joint issues as puppies by displaying an odd gait, or favoring the front legs to the back legs. Perhaps they develop more muscular shoulders and seem to develop more slowly in the hips. These are also signs that the pup is already experiencing joint issues.

An injury to a dog, even one that doesn’t have preexisting joint issues will immediately stress joints. For example, an ACL tear or a strained hip will cause your dog to favor the injured area, which means other joints are taking up the extra work. This can cause inflammation inside the joints over time and lead to more serious trouble, including joint failure.

Most dog owners believe that the food they feed their dogs will provide the necessary nutrients to fight off inflammation and allow their pets to heal naturally, without intervention. Don’t take this risk with your pet. Yes, dogs are capable of creating hyaluronic acid, glucosamine and chondroitin, all of which help them heal their joints. But those are the building blocks for already healthy joints, not for joints that need extra attention due to strain or injury.

The attention to supplements that pet owners are investing in today is evident – around a third of all cats and dogs are on a supplement of some kind. Most supplements being ingested are multivitamins that prevent any number of maladies from affecting the pet. Another popular supplement being given supports arthritic joints. As always, check with your veterinarian to determine what your pet needs.

ProLabs, a company that exists to create products that keeps pets healthy, is invested in several supplements that affect your dogs health and happiness. Flex Rx is made for dogs of all breeds and sizes and has a great track record of improving the joint health of dogs and maintaining that health.

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