Pain Relief for Dogs Provides a Better Quality of Life

14219267_mPain lets us know there is a problem. It’s no different for canines. The behavior associated with pain lets pet owners know that something needs attention. But prolonged pain is not any more appropriate for a dog than it is for humans, and veterinarians are tackling this issue head-on.

Pain relief for dogs was once thought to be antithetical for proper treatment. One previous belief was that pain kept the dog from moving, thus allowing them to heal faster. But pain relief for dogs is now a well-accepted and beneficial practice by veterinarians and pet owners.

You are likely very in tune with the behavior of your dog, and can spot when something is off. For some dogs, the first indicator that they’re experiencing pain is through aggression. Others won’t sleep or eat. Many dogs will lick the area that is hurting or they becoming unusually inactive. Whining and crying, flattening the ears to the head and seeking out attention from the owner are also telltale signs that a dog is experiencing pain.

Like their human counterparts, as dogs age, arthritis becomes an issue and brings with it a chronic pain that should be treated. As aging is a slow process, so it can be also for the onset of pain. Some dogs will learn to deal with it slowly, making it harder for the owner to detect as the changes in the canine are subtle and happen over a long period of time.

The best course of action includes consistent visits to the vet, but this course of action can also start with a vet-quality joint health product available at a specialty pet store, such as Flex Rx. Quality pet products like Flex Rx address both the underlying causes of joint deterioration, while also supporting correct metabolic balance. Also, keep an eye on what your dog is eating and drinking. If you notice any deviation from the norm, it’s time for a visit to the vet.

ProLabs, a cutting-edge pet health company, knows that pets are family members and that they need the same quality health care that all loved-ones expect. Read more about joint health solutions from Pro Labs today.

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